The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General William Henry Buchanan Mirrlees

Mirrlees, William Henry Buchanan


* 4th of October 1892

† 12th of October 1964

(Royal Artillery)


1939-07-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-09-22 Acting Colonel
1940-09-22 Acting Brigadier
1941-03-22 Temporary Colonel
1941-03-22 Temporary Brigadier
1942-03-28 Acting Major-General
1942-08-10 Colonel (Dated back 1942-07-01)
1943-03-28 Temporary Major-General
1946-10-11 Granted the Honorary rank of Major-General


1939-XX-XX 1940-XX-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Royal Horse Artillery
1940-09-XX 1942-03-28 Commander Royal Artillery, 4th Indian Division
1942-03-28 Director of Staff Duties, Artillery, Army Headquarters India
1942-03-28 1945-XX-XX Director of Royal Artillery, Army Headquarters India
1945-12-05 1947-08-15 Colonel-Commandant, Royal Indian Artillery
1946-10-11 Retired
1947-08-15 1954-10-04 Colonel-Commandant, Indian Artillery Regiment