The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Marie-Eugène-Aimé Mollé

Mollé, Marie-Eugène-Aimé


* 24th of April 1895

† 20th of March 1978


1940-02-28 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-03-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-12-25 Colonel
1944-06-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1944-06-25)
1947-02-20 Major-General
1954-08-01 Lieutenant-General (Dated back to 1954-05-01)


1940-02-28 1940-07-24 Deputy Military Advisor to Commanding Officer Polish Brigade in Finland (It never went to Finland)
1940-07-24 1940-08-30 Attached to Sub-Division Casablanca
1940-08-30 1942-12-08 Chief of Staff, Territorial Division Casablanca
1942-12-08 1943-03-10 Chief of Staff, Moroccan March Division
1943-03-10 1944-06-29 Commanding Officer 8th Moroccan Tirailleurs Regiment
1944-06-29 1944-10-14 Commanding Officer Infantry, 2nd Moroccan Infantry Division
1944-10-14 1945-01-10 Assistant General Officer Commanding 1st Army for the Affairs of the French Forces of the Interior
1945-01-10 1946-04-15 General Officer Commanding 27th Alpine Division
1946-04-15 1946-11-14 Assistant Commander in Chief French Forces in Austria
1946-04-15 1946-11-14 General Officer Commanding French Occupation Forces in Austria
1946-11-14 1949-12-10 Commandant of École Spéciale Militaire Interarmes
1949-12-10 1951-08-28 General Officer Commanding Tunisia
1951-08-28 1955-05-01 General Officer 9th Military Region
1954-09-01 1955-05-01 Inspector of 4th Defence Zone
1955-05-01 Retired