The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Amédée-Jean-Joseph-Jules-Stanislas Mollard

Mollard, Amédée-Jean-Joseph-Jules-Stanislas


* 19th of March 1879

† 9th of February 1964


1934-12-08 Brigadier-General
1938-06-24 Major-General


1934-05-18 1938-06-14 Commanding Officer 58th Brigade
1938-06-14 1940-08-20 General Officer Commander in Chief Corsica
1938-06-14 1940-08-20 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Bastia
1940-08-20 Retired
1941-XX-XX 1942-08-XX Head of Resistance on Corsica
1942-08-XX Fled to Algeria
1943-09-01 Recalled
1943-09-01 1945-08-01 Military-Governor of Corsica
1945-08-01 1945-11-01 On leave
1945-11-01 Retired
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