The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Medical-Inspector-General Roger-Albert-Firmin Morisson

Morisson, Roger-Albert-Firmin


* 17th of October 1881

† 2nd of March 1948


1935-12-10 Medical-General
1939-07-04 Medical-Inspector-General


1935-04-10 1935-12-10 Acting Director of Medical Services, 15th Military Region
1935-12-10 1939-09-02 Director of Medical Services, 15th Military Region
1939-09-02 1939-12-06 Director of Medical Services, 6th Army
1940-02-13 1940-07-04 Director of Medical Services, 6th Army
1940-07-05 1940-10-17 Director of Medical Services, 15th Military Region
1940-10-17 1941-11-17 Armistice leave
1941-11-17 Retired