The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of General Louis-Constant Morlière

Morlière, Louis-Constant


* 2nd of October 1897

† 11th of July 1980


1938-12-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-03-25 Colonel
1944-06-25 Temporary Brigadier-General
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1944-06-25)
1946-07-15 Major-General
1953-02-01 Lieutenant-General
1957-08-01 General


1939-07-06 1939-10-20 Attached to 21st Colonial Infantry Regiment
1939-10-20 1940-11-01 Attached to 219th Colonial Infantry Depot
1940-11-01 1942-09-01 Deputy Chief of General Staff, Colonies
1942-09-01 1942-11-08 Commanding Officer 15th Senegalese Tirailleurs Regiment
1942-11-08 1943-10-12 Attached to March Division Constantine
1943-10-12 1944-04-03 Commanding Officer Colonial Infantry Centre Mostaganem
1944-04-03 1944-06-14 Commanding Officer 2nd Far Eastern Brigade
1944-06-14 1944-08-02 Commandant of the École d'Etat-Major du Rabat [Morocco]
1944-08-02 1944-12-25 Commanding Officer Infantry, 9th Colonial Division
1944-12-25 1945-04-04 General Officer Commanding 9th Colonial Division
1945-04-04 1945-09-05 At the disposal of the French Military Mission for German Affairs
1945-09-05 1946-02-15 Military-Governor of Baden & Sarre [Germany]
1946-02-15 1946-05-30 General Officer Commanding Fréjus and Saint-Raphaël Camps
1946-05-30 1946-06-21 Assistant General Officer Commanding 9th Military Region
1946-06-21 1947-04-10 General Officer Commanding Tonkin [Indochina]
1947-04-10 1948-01-28 On leave
1948-01-28 1949-05-20 Assistant General Officer Commanding 6th Military Region
1949-05-20 1949-07-01 General Officer Commanding Intervention Division [Algeria]
1949-07-01 1952-10-17 General Officer Commanding 21st Algerian-Tunisian Division
1952-10-17 1957-09-29 General Officer Commanding 1st Region Military
1952-10-17 1957-09-29 Inspector of 1st Defence Zone
1956-01-01 1958-10-02 Member of the Supreme War Council
1957-09-24 1958-09-01 Military-Governor of Paris
1958-10-02 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous