The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Gonjirō Murai

Murai, Gonjirō


* 2nd of October 1891

† 31st of December 1944


(むらい ごんじろう)


1938-07-15 Colonel
1943-03-01 Major-General
1944-12-31 Lieutenant-General (Posthumously)


1938-07-15 1939-10-26 Commanding Officer Sendai Regimental District
1939-10-26 1942-12-01 Commanding Officer 116th Infantry Regiment
1942-12-01 1944-06-21 Commanding Officer Kyoto Regimental District
1944-06-21 1944-07-XX Attached to 14th Division
1944-07-XX 1944-12-31 Imperial envoy to Palau Islands
1944-12-31 Committed suicide [Pelelieu]