The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Kamesuke Nagamine

Nagamine, Kamesuke


* 1st of May 1884

† 21st of October 1975


(ながみね かめすけ)


1930-03-06 Colonel
1934-08-01 Major-General


1928-08-10 1930-12-22 Chief of Research Section, Shimoshidzu Army Aviation School
1930-12-22 1931-11-12 Commanding Officer 6th Air Regiment
1931-11-12 1932-06-06 Commanding Officer Air Units, Kwantung Army
1932-06-06 1933-03-18 Commanding Officer 6th Air Regiment
1933-03-18 1933-08-01 Chief of Instruction Section, Tokorozawa Army Aviation School
1933-08-01 1935-08-01 Executive Officer, Tokorozawa Army Aviation School
1935-08-01 1936-08-01 Head of Main Army Aviation Factory
1936-08-01 1936-08-28 In reserve
1936-08-28 Retired
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