The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Kinzō Nakagawa

Nakagawa, Kinzō


* 5th of May 1881

† 1st of January 1970


(なかがわ きんぞう)


1923-08-06 Colonel
1928-08-10 Major-General


1923-08-06 1924-07-12 Commanding Officer 68th Infantry Regiment
1924-07-12 1925-05-01 Chief of Staff, 13th Division
1925-05-01 1928-08-10 Chief of Staff, 20th Division
1928-08-10 1931-08-01 Commanding Officer 3rd Infantry Division
1931-08-01 1932-04-11 Attached to 2nd Division
1932-04-11 1932-04-28 In reserve
1932-04-28 Retired