The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Hideo Nakatomi

Nakatomi, Hideo


* 27th of February 1890

† 2nd of October 1976


(なかとみ ひでお)


1934-08-01 Colonel
1938-07-15 Major-General
1941-10-15 Lieutenant-General


1933-08-01 1934-12-10 Staff Officer, Army Aviation Headquarters
1934-12-10 1935-03-15 Chief of 1st Branch, General Affairs Section, Army Aviation Headquarters
1935-03-15 1937-07-23 Commanding Officer 6th Air Regiment
1937-07-23 1937-12-01 Commanding Officer 9th Air Battalion
1937-12-01 1938-08-01 Instructor at the War College
1938-08-01 1939-08-01 Commanding Officer 9th Air Brigade
1939-08-01 1941-10-15 Commandant of the Army Aviation Maintenance School
1941-10-15 1941-10-30 In reserve
1941-10-30 Retired