The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Noel Warren Napier-Clavering

Napier-Clavering, Noel Warren


* 24th of December 1888

† 30th of September 1964

(Royal Engineers)


1931-01-01 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1932-09-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1936-09-08 Temporary Colonel
1936-09-25 Colonel (Dated back to 1943-01-01)
1939-02-25 Temporary Brigadier
1940-09-11 Acting Major-General
1941-02-07 Major-General (Dated back to 1940-10-28)


1932-02-XX 1935-01-XX Commander Royal Engineers, Ceylon
1935-05-XX 1936-08-XX Commander Royal Engineers, 2nd Infantry Division
1936-09-08 1937-02-03 Chief Engineer, Palestine & Trans-Jordan
1937-03-31 1939-09-24 Assistant Adjutant & Quartermaster-General, 4th Infantry Division
1939-02-25 1940-09-10 Chief Administration Officer, British Troops in Egypt
1940-XX-XX 1942-XX-XX Deputy Adjutant General, Middle East Command
1942-02-17 1945-XX-XX Head of the British Military Mission to Egypt
1945-05-23 Retired
Picture source: NPG x166582, National Portrait Gallery, London