The Generals of WWII

Generals from The Netherlands Flag for The Netherlands
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Sicco Godefridus Nauta Nauta-Pieter

Nauta-Pieter, Sicco Godefridus Nauta


* 3rd of May 1878

† 1975


1929-05-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1931-09-01 Colonel
1933-11-01 Major-General
1936-05-01 Lieutenant-General


1930-09-01 1931-09-01 Commanding Officer 6th Field Artillery Regiment
1931-09-01 1933-11-01 Commanding Officer 1st Artillery Brigade
1933-11-01 1936-05-01 General Officer Commanding 2nd Division
1933-11-01 1936-05-01 General Officer Commanding 2nd Detachment
1936-05-01 Retired
1939-11-01 Recalled
1939-11-01 1940-07-11 General Officer Commanding Air Defence Rotterdam-s.-Gravenhage
1940-07-15 Retired
1942-05-15 Prisoner of War
Picture source: From: "Militaire spectator" Geraadpleegd op Delpher op 24-02-2020,