The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Division-Commissar Ivan Nikiforovich Nesterenko

Nesterenko, Ivan Nikiforovich


* January 1901

† 2nd of November 1981

(Иван Никифорович Нестеренко)


1936-01-02 Division-Commissar


1932-08-XX 1936-06-XX Chief of the Political Section, 8th Minsk Rifle Division
1935-06-XX 1936-XX-XX Chief of the Political Section, 2nd Belorussian Rifle Division
1936-XX-XX 1937-XX-XX Political Adviser to the Spanish Republican Army
1937-05-XX 1938-02-XX At disposal of the Command & Staff Directorate
1938-02-XX Dismissed
1938-02-26 1939-12-03 Arrested
1939-12-03 Condemned to 10 years imprisonment
1947-11-14 Released
1956-07-25 Rehabilitated
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko