The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Vasilii Gavrilovich Netreba

Netreba, Vasilii Gavrilovich


* 1st of January 1903

† 29th of November 1975

(Василий Гаврилович Нетреба)


1944-06-03 Major-General


1940-02-10 1940-05-XX Commanding Officer 674th Rifle Regiment
1940-05-XX 1940-11-XX Attending the Higher Rifle-Tactical Course
1940-11-XX 1941-03-XX Commanding Officer 7th Motorised Brigade
1941-03-XX 1941-07-03 Deputy Commanding Officer 198th Motorised Rifle Division
1941-07-03 1941-08-16 Commanding Officer 3rd Leningrad People's Militia Division
1941-08-16 Wounded
1941-08-16 1941-09-19 Hospitalised
1941-09-19 1941-10-XX At disposal of the Military Council, Leningrad Front
1941-10-XX 1941-12-XX Chief of Combat Training Section, 42nd Army
1941-12-XX 1941-12-16 At disposal of the Military Council, Ural Military District
1941-12-16 Seriously injured in an aircraft crash
1941-12-16 Hospitalised
1942-12-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1942-12-XX 1943-08-XX Commandant of 3rd Kuibyshev Infantry School
1943-08-XX At disposal of the Main Labour Reserve Directorate, Council of People's Commissars of Soviet Union
1945-07-XX Deputy Head of Main Labour Reserve Directorate, Council of People's Commissars of Soviet Union
1945-07-XX 1946-03-XX At disposal of the Military Council, Coastal Group of Forces
1946-03-XX 1947-01-28 Attending the Frunze Military Academy
1947-01-28 1960-06-XX Chief of Higher Military Schools Section, Moscow Military District
1960-06-XX Retired
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