The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Aleksandr Iakovlevich Netsvetailo

Netsvetailo, Aleksandr Iakovlevich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 19th of December 1898

† 8th of March 1953

(Александр Яковлевич Нецветайло)


1940-XX-XX Colonel
1942-11-10 Major-General of Tank Troops


1939-10-19 1940-04-11 Chief of Staff, 6th Tank Brigade
1940-04-11 1940-06-21 Chief of Combat Training Section, 1st Army Group
1940-06-21 1941-01-18 Chief of Combat Training Section, 17th Army
1941-01-18 1941-03-12 Commanding Officer 7th Mechanised Brigade
1941-03-12 1941-10-15 Deputy Commanding Officer 61st Tank Division
1941-10-15 1941-11-26 Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1941-11-26 1941-12-12 Commanding Officer Tank Forces, 1st Shock Army
1941-12-12 1942-04-28 Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1942-04-28 1942-06-26 Deputy Commanding Officer for Rear Service, 53rd Army
1942-04-28 1942-06-26 Chief of Rear Service, 53rd Army
1942-06-26 1942-08-06 Deputy Commanding Officer Tank Forces, Voronezh Front
1942-08-06 1943-01-31 Chief of Staff, Tank Forces, Voronezh Front
1943-01-31 1943-02-28 Chief of Staff, 3rd Tank Army
1943-02-28 1943-04-09 At disposal of the Military Council, Voronezh Front
1943-04-09 1943-10-28 At disposal of the Personnel section, Voronezh Front
1943-10-28 1944-08-18 Senior Instructor at the Military Academy of Tank & Military Forces
1944-08-18 1945-03-XX Commanding Officer Tank & Mechanised Forces, 31st Army
1945-03-XX 1946-04-XX At disposal of the Commanding Officer Belorussian Tank Camp
1946-04-XX 1946-08-XX At disposal of the Personnel Directorate, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1946-08-XX 1947-06-02 Head of the Military Department, Svedlovsk Industrial Institute
1947-06-02 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko