The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Nikolai Stepanovich Nikitchenko

Nikitchenko, Nikolai Stepanovich


* 17th of December 1901

† 1st of April 1975

(Николай Степанович Никитченко)


1943-03-01 Major-General


1940-07-XX 1941-07-XX Commandant of Kamyshlovsk Infantry School
1941-07-XX 1942-03-XX Commandant of Ufimsk Infantry School
1942-03-XX 1942-08-15 Commanding Officer 210th Cadet Rifle Brigade
1942-08-15 1943-05-04 Commanding Officer 226th Rifle Division
1943-05-04 1944-01-XX Commanding Officer 95th Guards Rifle Division
1944-01-XX 1946-04-XX Deputy Head of Military Educational Institutions Directorate, Main Personnel Directorate
1944-01-XX 1946-04-XX Chief of 5th Section, Military Educational Institutions Directorate, Main Personnel Directorate
1946-04-XX 1948-04-XX Chief of 3rd Section, Military Educational Institutions Directorate, Ground Forces
1948-04-XX 1949-07-XX Chief of 4th Section, Military Educational Institutions Directorate, Rifle Forces
1949-07-XX 1951-08-XX Chief of 3rd Section, Military Educational Institutions Directorate, Rifle Forces
1951-08-XX 1952-10-XX Head of Course, Correspondence Department, Frunze Military Academy
1952-10-XX Retired
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