The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Quartermaster Service Nikolai Aleksandrovich Nikulin

Nikulin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich

Major-General of Quartermaster Service

* 15th of December 1892

† 7th of January 1945

(Николай Александрович Никулин)


1942-02-12 Colonel
1944-02-22 Major-General of Quartermaster Service


1941-08-XX 1942-02-XX Chief of ? Branch, Organisation-Planning Section, Rear Service, Southern Front
1942-02-08 1942-06-27 Chief of Organisation-Planning Section, Rear Service, Southern Front
1942-06-27 1942-08-08 Chief of Organisation Section, Rear Service, Southern Front
1942-08-08 1942-09-27 Deputy Chief of Staff, Rear Service, Northern Caucasian Front
1942-09-27 1943-02-13 Deputy Chief of Staff, Rear Service, Black Sea Group of Forces, Transcaucasian Front
1943-02-13 1943-07-15 Deputy Chief of Staff, Rear Service, Northern Caucasian Front
1943-07-15 1943-11-20 Chief of Staff, Rear Service, Northern Caucasian Front
1943-11-20 1944-03-24 Chief of Staff, Rear Service, Separate Coastal Army
1944-03-24 1944-06-30 Chief of Staff, Rear Service, 2nd Belorussian Front
1944-06-30 1945-01-XX Deputy Commander in Chief for Rear Service, 2nd Belorussian Front
1944-06-30 1945-01-XX Chief of Rear Service, 2nd Belorussian Front
1945-01-XX Wounded
1945-01-07 Died of his wounds
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin