The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Technical Troops Nikolai Ivanovich Novoselskii

Novoselskii, Nikolai Ivanovich

Major-General of Technical Troops

* 22nd of July 1892

† 20th of May 1958

(Николай Иванович Новосельский)


1945-06-08 Major-General of Technical Troops


1932-03-XX 1935-01-XX Commanding Officer 19th Construction Railway Regiment
1935-01-XX 1937-09-XX Attending the Military Transport Academy
1937-09-XX 1940-01-XX Commanding Officer 81st Separate Construction Railway Battalion, 5th Railway Brigade
1940-01-XX 1942-01-XX Chief of Staff, 7th Railway Brigade
1942-01-XX 1947-02-XX Commanding Officer 7th Railway Brigade
1947-02-XX 1947-05-XX At disposal of the Commander in Chief Railway Troops
1947-05-XX 1950-03-XX Senior Inspector, Main Military Reconstruction Works Directorate
1950-03-XX Retired