The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Brigadier Oriel John O'Brian O'Hanlon

O'Hanlon, Oriel John O'Brian


* 13th of September 1888

† 4th of January 1963


1938-03-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-06-04 Local Colonel
1941-12-07 Acting Colonel
1942-03-14 Acting Brigadier
1942-06-07 Temporary Colonel
1942-06-17 Reverted to Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-10-09 Temporary Colonel
1947-07-24 Reverted to Lieutenant-Colonel
1948-04-06 Granted the Honorary rank of Colonel


1938-XX-XX 1939-XX-XX Dermatology Specialist Queen Alexandra Military Hospital Millbank
1939-XX-XX 1941-XX-XX Senior Medical Officer Ceylon Command
1941-XX-XX 1942-XX-XX Deputy Director of Medical Services Ceylon Command
1942-XX-XX 1943-XX-XX Commanding Officer Military Hospital Shenley
1944-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Commanding Officer 78th General Hospital
1945-XX-XX 1947-XX-XX Commanding Officer 19th General Hospital
1947-03-XX 1947-07-XX Commanding Officer 231st Military Prisoner of War Hospital
1947-XX-XX President Standing Medical Board London District
1948-04-06 Retired