The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General John Field Fraser Oakeshott

Oakeshott, John Field Fraser


* 2nd of September 1899

† 4th of October 1957

(Royal Army Ordnance Corps)


1939-11-25 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-02-25 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1940-12-27 Local Colonel
1941-01-04 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-01-04 Acting Colonel
1941-07-04 Temporary Colonel
1942-03-30 Acting Brigadier
1942-09-30 Temporary Brigadier
1947-03-27 Colonel
1951-09-02 Brigadier
1953-07-15 Local Major-General
1953-07-27 Temporary Major-General
1953-10-14 Major-General


1939-11-25 1942-03-29 Assistant Director of Ordnance Services, War Office
1942-03-30 1943-05-05 Deputy Director of Ordnance Services, Northern Command
1943-05-10 1943-08-15 Deputy Director of Ordnance Services, ?
1943-08-19 1944-01-08 Commandant of Royal Army Ordnance Corps Training Establishment
1944-01-09 1946-08-31 Deputy Director of Clothing & Stores, War Office
1946-09-01 1948-04-14 Deputy Director of Ordnance Services, ?
1948-04-15 1951-05-10 Deputy Director of Ordnance Services, Scottish Command
1950-04-20 1952-02-05 Aide-de-Camp to the King
1952-02-06 1953-10-13 Aide-de-Camp to the Queen
1953-07-27 1956-XX-XX Director of Ordnance Services, Middle East Land Forces
1956-08-11 Retired
1957-01-01 1957-10-04 Colonel-Commandant, Royal Army Ordnance Corps