The Generals of WWII

Generals from Japan Flag for Japan
Portrait of Major-General Usaburō Oka

Oka, Usaburō


* 9th of September 1894

† 19th of March 1969

(岡 卯三郎)

(おか うさぶろう)


1940-03-09 Colonel
1945-03-01 Major-General


1939-03-01 1941-08-01 Resident Inspector in USA, Army Aviation Headquarters
1941-08-01 1942-06-01 Attached to the Army Aviation Headquarters
1942-06-01 1943-05-19 Chief of 2nd section, Main Army Aviation Factory
1942-06-01 1943-05-19 Head of Army Aviation Transport
1943-05-19 1944-06-20 Chief of Ordnance Section, 2nd Air Army
1944-06-20 1945-03-16 Attached to Army Aviation Headquarters
1944-06-20 1945-03-16 Military Officer, Ministry of Munitions
1945-03-16 1945-09-XX Chief Inspector, Army Aviation Headquarters