The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General Nikolai Petrovich Okhman

Okhman, Nikolai Petrovich


* 19th of December 1908

† 3rd of June 1977

(Николай Петрович Охман)


1945-07-11 Major-General


1942-06-XX 1942-09-XX Commanding Officer 883rd Rifle Regiment
1942-09-29 1943-02-XX Acting Commanding Officer 295th Guards Rifle Regiment
1943-02-XX 1943-09-XX Commanding Officer 57th Separate Cadet Rifle Brigade
1943-09-25 1944-04-11 Commanding Officer 316th Rifle Division
1944-04-XX 1945-01-XX At disposal of the Military Council, 1st Belorussian Front
1945-01-XX 1946-08-XX Commanding Officer 34th Guards Motorised Rifle Brigade
1946-08-XX 1947-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 17th Guards Mechanised Division
1947-06-XX 1948-01-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Mechanised Division
1948-01-XX 1948-12-XX Acting Deputy Commanding Officer 12th Guards Tank Division
1948-12-XX 1949-12-XX Commanding Officer 12th Guards Tank Division
1949-12-XX 1953-10-XX Commanding Officer 11th Guards Mechanised Division
1953-10-XX 1955-09-XX Commanding Officer 13th Guards Mechanised Division
1955-09-XX 1957-01-XX Commanding Officer 39th Guards Mechanised Division
1957-01-XX 1958-08-XX Commanding Officer 21st Guards Tank Division
1958-08-XX 1960-12-XX Deputy Commanding Officer VI Rifle Corps
1960-12-XX 1966-10-XX Military Commissioner, Stalingrad
1966-10-XX Retired