The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General François-Fernand-Michel Olive dit Oliva-Roget

Olive dit Oliva-Roget, François-Fernand-Michel


* 5th of November 1891

† 20th of January 1949


1941-08-20 Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-01-20 Colonel
1945-05-08 Temporary Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1945-03-25)
1945-09-01 Brigadier-General (Dated back to 1945-03-25)


1941-07-28 Joins the Free French
1941-08-23 1943-06-01 Commanding Officer Troops, Djebel Druze & Hama [Syria]
1943-06-01 1943-07-14 Acting Commanding Officer Southern Syria Territorial Region
1943-07-14 1945-06-03 Delegate of France in Syria
1943-07-14 1945-06-03 Commanding Officer Southern Syria Territorial Region
1945-06-03 1946-05-30 On leave
1946-05-30 1948-01-28 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Perpignan
1948-01-28 1948-11-05 At disposal
1948-11-05 Retired