The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Tank-Engineering Service Valentin Vikentevich Orlovskii

Orlovskii, Valentin Vikentevich

Lieutenant-General of Tank-Engineering Service

* 15th of October 1900

† 6th of June 1961

(Валентин Викентьевич Орловский)


1935-12-01 Military-Engineer 1st Rank
1943-02-07 Major-General of Tank-Engineering Service
1945-06-27 Lieutenant-General of Tank-Engineering Service


1937-03-XX 1943-09-17 Chief of 1st Section, Higher Military Educational Institutions Directorate
1940-09-17 1943-09-28 Deputy Commandant of Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1943-09-28 1943-10-16 Assistant Commanding Officer for Supply & Repair, Tank & Mechanised Forces, Voronezh Front
1943-10-16 1943-11-01 Assistant Commanding Officer for Supply & Repair, Tank & Mechanised Forces, 1st Ukrainian Front
1943-11-01 1945-05-15 Deputy Commanding Officer for Supply, Repair & Maintenance, Tank & Mechanised Forces, 1st Ukrainian Front
1945-08-06 1946-12-10 Deputy Commanding Officer for Supply, Repair & Maintenance, Tank & Mechanised Forces, Central Group of Forces
1946-12-10 1949-08-26 Head of Tank-Technical Directorate, Main Tank Directorate
1949-08-26 1954-02-10 Chairman of the Scientific Tank Committee
1950-07-25 1953-05-07 Deputy Head for Scientific Affairs, Main Tank Directorate
1954-02-10 1959-08-22 Deputy Head of Main Tank Directorate
1959-08-22 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko