The Generals of WWII

Generals from USA Flag for USA
Portrait of Brigadier-General George Harris Paine

Paine, George Harris


* 14th of July 1884

† 11th of May 1949

(Regular Army)


1930-02-16 Lieutenant-Colonel
1935-08-01 Colonel
1941-04-05 Brigadier-General (Army of the United States)
1946-05-31 Brigadier-General (Retired)


1928-03-28 1931-06-16 Member of the Field Artillery Board
1931-08-14 1934-04-12 Assistant Chief of Staff (G-4), Hawaiian Department
1934-04-15 1936-07-07 Department Recreation Officer, Hawaiian Department
1934-04-15 1936-07-07 Provost Marshal, Hawaiian Department
1936-08-07 1936-09-13 Attached to Military Intelligence Division, War Department General Staff
1936-09-28 1940-12-09 Military Attaché to Italy
1941-02-XX 1943-XX-XX Commanding Officer 46th Field Artillery Brigade
1943-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Commanding Officer 31st Field Artillery Brigade
1945-XX-XX 1946-XX-XX Commanding Officer School Troops, Field Artillery School
1946-05-31 Retired