The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General Alexander George Victor Paley

Paley, Alexander George Victor


* 30th of April 1903

† 10th of April 1976

(Rifle Brigade)


1941-02-26 Acting Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-05-26 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-03-26 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-04-08 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-04-08 Acting Colonel
1942-10-08 War Substantive Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-10-08 Temporary Colonel
1943-06-05 Relinquish the Temporary rank of Colonel
1945-05-10 Temporary Colonel
1945-05-10 Acting Brigadier
1945-11-10 Temporary Brigadier
1946-06-13 Colonel (Dated back to 1945-10-08)
1946-09-15 Acting Major-General
1946-10-28 Relinquish the Acting rank of Major-General
1952-05-09 Brigadier
1956-07-01 Temporary Major-General
1957-05-12 Major-General


1941-XX-XX 1942-XX-XX Commanding Officer 3rd Libyan Arab Battalion
1942-04-08 1943-06-05 Member of the British Military Mission to Iraq
1943-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX Commanding Officer 1st Battalion, Rifle Brigade
1944-10-07 1944-10-18 Acting Commanding Officer 22nd Armoured Brigade [Northwestern Europe]
1945-04-13 1945-05-09 Assistant Adjutant-General, ?
1945-05-10 1946-06-04 Chief Administration Officer, 8th Corps District [Germany]
1946-07-27 1946-09-14 Brigadier A/Q, ?
1946-09-15 1946-10-28 Deputy Chief of Staff, Control Commission Germany
1947-01-15 1948-08-31 Head of Combined Services Division, Control Commission Germany
1948-09-03 1951-10-07 Brigadier A/Q, Anti-Aircraft Command
1951-12-03 1954-05-17 Commanding Officer 47th Infantry Brigade
1953-08-26 1957-05-12 Aide-de-Camp to the Queen
1954-05-30 1956-XX-XX District Officer Commanding Gold Coast District
1956-07-01 General Officer Commanding Gold Coast Military Forces
1956-XX-XX 1958-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Ghana Army
1958-07-01 Special Employed with the Ghana Army
1958-XX-XX 1960-01-11 Chief of Defence Staff, Ghana
1960-01-11 General of Commanding British Troops in Ghana
1960-06-08 Retired
1960-XX-XX 1967-03-31 Honorary Colonel, 3rd Green Jackets, Rifle Brigade, Territorial Army
1967-04-01 1969-03-31 Honorary Colonel, 5th Battalion, Royal Green Jackets, Territorial & Army Voluntary Reserve
1969-04-01 1970-08-01 Honorary Colonel, London Cadre, Royal Green Jackets, Territorial & Army Voluntary Reserve
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