The Generals of WWII

Generals from Finland Flag for Finland
Portrait of Major-General Georg Fredrik Palmroth

Palmroth, Georg Fredrik


* 21st of April 1881

† 11th of March 1951


1924-05-16 Colonel
1932-12-09 Major-General


1921-04-01 1926-09-09 Remount Officer, General Staff
1926-09-09 1927-04-12 Commanding Officer Häme Cavalry Regiment
1927-04-12 1941-06-05 Commanding Officer Cavalry Brigade
1939-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Group Uusikirkko
1941-06-05 Retired
Picture source: From "Suomen puolustuslaitos 1918-1939" by Werner Söderström 1988