The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Feofan Agopovich Parkhomenko

Parkhomenko, Feofan Agopovich


* 24th of December 1893

† 6th of July 1962

(Феофан Агапович Пархоменко)


1940-03-31 Kombrig
1941-08-07 Major-General
1945-04-19 Lieutenant-General


1927-03-XX 1931-06-XX Commanding Officer 87th Cavalry Regiment
1931-06-XX 1931-06-02 Arrested
1931-06-02 Condemned to 3 years imprisonment
1931-10-XX Released and Pardoned
1931-10-XX 1932-03-XX At disposal of the Commanding Officer Special Red Banner Far Eastern Army
1932-03-XX 1936-07-XX Commanding Officer 74th Cavalry Regiment
1936-07-XX 1938-10-21 Assistant Commanding Officer 22nd Cavalry Division
1938-10-21 1939-12-09 Arrested
1939-12-09 Released
1940-03-XX 1941-03-XX Assistant Commanding Officer 4th Cavalry Division
1941-03-11 1941-07-14 Commanding Officer 210th Motorised Rifle Division
1941-09-XX 1941-12-XX Commanding Officer 60th Cavalry Division
1941-12-16 1942-01-14 Commanding Officer Separate Cavalry Corps
1942-01-14 1942-03-26 Commanding Officer I Cavalry Corps
1942-06-XX 1942-07-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 38th Army
1942-06-08 1942-07-15 Commanding Officer V Cavalry Corps
1942-07-14 1942-08-07 Commanding Officer 9th Army
1942-08-XX 1942-12-21 Deputy Commanding Officer 24h Army
1942-12-21 1943-08-14 Commanding Officer XVIII Cavalry Corps
1943-08-10 1943-11-16 Commanding Officer LXXXVII Rifle Corps
1944-01-15 1944-03-27 Commanding Officer CXXV Rifle Corps
1944-03-27 1944-09-XX Deputy Commanding Officer CXXV Rifle Corps
1944-09-XX 1945-10-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 70th Army
1945-10-XX 1946-01-XX At disposal of the Main Personnel Directorate
1946-01-XX 1946-08-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 43rd Army
1946-08-XX 1947-02-XX At disposal of the Personnel Directorate, Ground Forces
1947-02-XX 1954-07-XX Military Commissioner, Saratovsk
1954-07-XX Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin