The Generals of WWII

Generals from Great Britain Flag for Great Britain
Portrait of Major-General William Calder Paton

Paton, William Calder


* 27th of January 1886

† 7th of February 1979

(Indian Medical Service)


1932-01-27 Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-11-10 Colonel (Dated back to 1935-01-27)
1941-08-23 Major-General


1932-05-06 1933-12-31 Professor of Midwifery, Medical College Madras [India]
1932-05-06 1933-12-31 Superintendent of Goverment Hospital for Women & Children, Madras [India]
1934-01-01 1938-10-10 Chief Medical Officer, Dehli [India]
1934-01-01 1938-10-10 Civilian Surgeon, Dehli [India]
1938-10-10 Professor of Midwifery, Medical College Madras [India]
1938-10-10 Superintendent of Goverment Hospital for Women & Children, Madras [India]
1939-09-03 1941-XX-XX Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, North Western Frontier Province [India]
1939-09-03 1941-XX-XX Director of Public Health, North Western Frontier Province [India]
1941-05-16 1945-XX-XX Surgeon-General, Bengal [India]
1945-08-23 Retired