The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Zinovi Pechkoff

Pechkoff, Zinovi


* 16th of October 1884

† 27th of November 1966


1942-03-06 Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel
1942-03-25 Temporary Colonel
1943-04-15 Temporary Brigadier-General
1946-04-13 Temporary Lieutenant-General
1949-04-25 Colonel
1952-04-23 Honorary Lieutenant-General


1941-11-26 1942-11-26 Representative of the French National Committee to the Government of South Africa, British Authorities in Rhodesia, Bechuanaland & Nyassaland
1942-11-26 1943-01-XX Head of the Free French Mission to the Gold Coast
1943-01-XX 1943-04-15 Liaison Officer between the Generals de Gaulle & Giraud 15.04.43-10.11.44: Head of the French Military Mission in China
1944-11-10 1946-12-19 French Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to China
1945-12-19 1946-03-19 On leave
1946-03-19 1949-11-28 Head of the French Liaison Mission to the Supreme Allied Commander in Chief Far East
1949-11-28 Retired
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