The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Medical-Inspector-General Maurice-François-Joseph Peltier

Peltier, Maurice-François-Joseph


* 31st of July 1889

† 29th of September 1953


1936-09-25 Colonel
1941-04-01 Medical-General (Dated back to 1941-02-20)
1943-11-20 Medical-Inspector-General
1944-10-01 Reverted to Medical-General
1945-01-31 Medical-Inspector-General (Dated back to 1944-09-25)


1939-08-03 1939-11-23 On leave
1939-09-08 1940-05-10 Technical Assistant Director of Medical Services, 17th Military Region
1940-05-10 1940-07-30 Director of Medical Services, 8th Colonial Infantry Division
1940-07-30 1940-11-07 Attached to Southwestern Group of Colonial Camps
1940-11-07 1940-11-10 Technical Assistant Director of Medical Services, 15th Military Region
1940-11-10 1940-12-15 Technical Assistant Director of Medical Services, 15th Military Division
1940-12-15 1943-10-01 Director of École d'Application du Service de Santé des Troupes Coloniales
1943-10-01 1945-04-23 Attached to the Secretariat of State for the Colonies
1945-04-23 1949-06-01 Director of Medical Services, French West Africa
1949-06-01 1949-07-31 On leave
1949-07-31 Retired