The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General Louis-Eugène Perretier

Perretier, Louis-Eugène


* 18th of August 1886

† 4th of April 1959


1934-09-25 Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-09-01 Colonel
1941-08-20 Brigadier-General


1939-08-27 1940-04-25 Commanding Officer 12th Senegalese Tirailleurs Regiment
1940-04-25 1940-08-20 Commanding Officer 26th Senegalese Tirailleurs Regiment
1940-08-20 1940-11-23 Commanding Officer 1sr Colonial Troops Camp
1940-11-23 1941-03-17 Commanding Officer Infantry, Dakar Strong-point
1941-03-17 1941-09-24 Assistant General Officer Commanding Senegal-Mauritania Division
1941-09-24 1942-03-01 Commanding Officer Infantry, Dakar Strong-point
1942-03-01 1943-04-10 Commanding Officer 2nd Brigade, Senegal-Mauritania Division
1943-06-18 1946-02-01 Inspector of Social Services for Colonial Troops, North Africa
1943-08-18 Retired, but remained employed
1946-02-01 Retired