The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Robert-Marie-Eduard Petiet

Petiet, Robert-Marie-Eduard


* 10th of April 1880

† 15th of October 1967


1934-09-11 Brigadier-General
1937-12-22 Major-General
1940-08-20 Lieutenant-General


1934-09-11 1935-05-28 Attending Centre des Hautes Etudes Militaires
1936-05-28 1938-09-15 Commandant of l'École Militaire et d'Application de la Cavalerie et du Train
1938-09-15 1938-11-22 At disposal of the Inspector-General of Cavalry
1938-11-22 1940-02-10 General Officer Commanding 3rd Cavalry Division
1940-02-10 1940-03-05 General Officer Commanding 3rd Light Division
1940-03-05 1940-07-01 General Officer Commanding 3rd Light Cavalry Division
1940-07-01 1940-07-07 General Officer Commanding Petiet Group
1940-07-07 1940-08-20 Head of Reorganisation of the Cavalry
1940-08-20 1942-02-01 President of the Commission Reviewing Citations
1942-02-01 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Anonymous