The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Aviation Aleksandr Dormidontovich Petlenko

Petlenko, Aleksandr Dormidontovich

Major-General of Aviation

* 8th of March 1907

† 31st of December 1977

(Александр Дормидонтович Петленко)


1939-09-XX Battalion Commissar
1941-12-XX Senior Battalion Commissar
1942-01-XX Regiment-Commissar
1942-12-XX Colonel
1944-08-19 Major-General of Aviation


1940-10-XX 1941-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, 212th Long Range Bomber Aviation Regiment
1941-06-XX 1941-12-XX Military Commissar, 212th Long Range Bomber Aviation Regiment
1942-01-19 1942-02-07 Military Commissar, 10th Mixed Aviation Division
1942-03-XX 1942-05-XX Military Commissar, Staff, Air Forces, 43rd Army
1942-04-22 1942-05-30 Military Commissar, Air Forces. 41st Army
1942-06-XX 1942-10-09 Military Commissar, 45th Bomber Aviation Division
1942-10-09 1943-06-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, 45th Bomber Aviation Division
1943-05-13 1945-03-09 Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, V Guards Long Range Aviation Corps
1945-03-09 1945-08-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, Air Forces, Transcaucasian Front
1945-08-XX 1946-04-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, Air Forces, Baku Military District
1946-04-XX 1947-12-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, II Guards Bomber Aviation Corps
1947-12-XX 1949-04-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, LI Guards Bomber Aviation Corps
1949-04-XX 1950-07-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, 25th Air Army
1950-07-XX 1953-05-XX Member of the Military Council, 50th Air Army
1953-06-XX 1955-01-XX Deputy Chief of Staff for Political Affairs, 42nd Air Army
1955-01-XX 1963-01-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Political Affairs, Military Unit 93851
1955-01-XX 1963-01-XX Chief of the Political Section, Military Unit 93851
1963-01-XX 1963-05-XX At disposal of the Main Political Directorate, Soviet Armed Forces
1963-05-XX Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Rene BeBeau