The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Mikhail Semenovich Petrenko

Petrenko, Mikhail Semenovich


* 1898

† 1953

(Михаил Семенович Петренко)


1938-10-09 Brigade-Commissar
1939-03-09 Division-Commissar
1942-12-20 Major-General of Quartermaster Service
1945-06-20 Lieutenant-General


1938-XX-XX 1939-XX-XX Member of the Military Council, Central Asian Military District
1941-XX-XX Military Commissar, 1st Automotive-Motorcycle School
1941-11-17 1942-09-13 Member of the Military Council, 1st Engineering Army
1942-09-13 1943-03-01 Member of the Military Council, 54th Army
1944-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer for Rear Service, 6th Tank Army
1945-XX-XX Chief of Rear Service, 6th Tank Army
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