The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Major-General of Tank Troops Konstantin Ostapovich Petrovskii

Petrovskii, Konstantin Ostapovich

Major-General of Tank Troops

* 14th of April 1907

† 26th of July 1991

(Константин Остапович Петровский)


1940-02-19 Battalion-Commissar
1942-01-25 Senior Battalion-Commissar
1943-01-11 Lieutenant-Colonel
1943-02-15 Colonel
1945-07-11 Major-General of Tank Troops


1941-09-23 1941-11-29 Acting Military Commissar, 34th Motorised Rifle Regiment
1941-11-29 1942-03-02 Chief of the Political Section, 34th Motorised Rifle Brigade
1942-03-02 1942-03-05 At disposal of the Main Political Directorate
1942-03-05 1942-10-XX Military Commissar, 117th Tank Brigade
1942-10-XX 1942-11-XX Deputy Commander for Political Affairs, 117th Tank Brigade
1942-11-XX 1943-02-XX Acting Commanding Officer 117th Tank Brigade
1943-02-XX 1943-06-16 Deputy Commander for Political Affairs, 117th Tank Brigade
1943-06-16 1943-07-06 Deputy Commander for Political Affairs, 248th Tank Brigade
1943-07-06 1943-12-XX Commanding Officer 248th Separate Tank Regiment
1943-12-XX 1944-04-XX Attending an Officers' Advanced Training Course
1944-04-25 1944-10-07 Commanding Officer 117th Tank Brigade
1944-10-07 1945-11-10 Commanding Officer 159th Tank Brigade
1945-11-10 1946-02-13 Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Tank Division
1946-02-13 1947-02-26 Chief of Staff, 1st Tank Division
1947-02-26 1947-04-12 Chief of Combat Training Section, Tank & Mechanised Forces
1947-04-12 1948-01-03 Commanding Officer 118th Tank Regiment
1948-01-03 1948-02-09 Deputy Commanding Officer 9th Guards Mechanised Division
1948-02-09 1953-07-03 Chief of Automotive Section, Carpathian Military District
1953-07-03 1961-04-08 Chief of Autotractor Section, Carpathian Military District
1961-04-08 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Mikhail Eremenko