The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Major-General Marie-Antoine-François-Jean Philpin de Piepape

Philpin de Piepape, Marie-Antoine-François-Jean


* 14th of October 1870

† 20th of August 1946


1923-12-20 Brigadier-General
1930-01-27 Major-General


1922-01-23 1924-11-24 Chief of Staff to General Graziani as Member of the Supreme War Council
1924-11-24 1929-10-17 Commanding Officer 3rd Algerian Cavalry Brigade
1924-11-24 1929-10-17 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Batna
1929-10-17 1932-10-14 Commanding Officer Cavalry, Algeria
1932-10-14 Retired
1939-09-02 Recalled
1939-09-02 1939-10-01 Member of the Executive Committee of African Friendship
1939-10-01 Retired