The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Brigadier-General François Picard

Picard, François


* 22nd of October 1885

† 21st of January 1961


1937-03-19 Brigadier-General


1936-10-15 1939-06-15 Commanding Officer 3rd Light Mechanized Brigade
1939-06-15 1940-05-23 General Officer Commanding 1st Light Mechanized Division
1940-06-01 1940-06-22 At disposal
1940-06-22 1940-07-04 At disposal of General Officer Commanding 17th Military Region
1940-07-04 1940-08-01 Commanding Officer Sub-Division Agen
1940-08-01 1942-01-01 At disposal
1942-01-01 1942-10-22 On leave
1942-10-22 Retired