The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Giovanni Angelo Pivano

Pivano, Giovanni Angelo


* 31st of October 1887


1926-11-04 Lieutenant-Colonel (Seniority from 1926-03-31)
1934-12-17 Colonel (Seniority from 1934-08-29)
1938-11-11 Brigadier-General
1942-05-14 Major-General (Seniority from 1942-01-01)


1926-02-01 1934-09-16 Chief Instructor (Tactics) at the War School
1934-09-16 1934-12-17 Acting Commanding Officer 28th Division Artillery Regiment
1934-12-17 1937-09-15 Commanding Officer 28th Division Artillery Regiment
1937-09-15 1938-11-11 Chief Instructor (Tactics) at the Supreme Institute of War
1938-11-11 1938-12-15 Attached to Torino Corps
1938-12-15 1940-09-10 Commanding Officer Artillery, Celere Corps
1940-09-10 1942-06-16 General Officer Commanding 22nd Infantry Division "Cacciatori delle Alpi" [Albania]
1942-06-15 1943-09-08 Commandant of the Supreme Institute of War
1943-09-11 1945-05-XX Prisoner of War [Germany]
General Officer Commanding VI Territorial Defence Command
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