The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Marshal of Tank Troops Pavel Pavlovich Poluboiarov

Poluboiarov, Pavel Pavlovich

Marshal of Tank Troops

* 16th of June 1901

† 17th of September 1984

(Павел Павлович Полубояров)


1938-12-03 Colonel
1942-11-10 Major-General of Tank Troops
1943-03-19 Lieutenant-General of Tank Troops
1949-05-11 Colonel-General of Tank Troops
1962-04-28 Marshal of Tank Troops


1934-11-XX 1938-12-03 Attending the Military Academy of Mechanisation & Motorisation
1938-11-23 1940-06-XX Commanding Officer Tank Forces, Transbaikal Military District
1940-06-XX 1940-07-XX Commanding Officer Tank Forces, 17th Army
1940-07-07 1940-11-23 Deputy Commanding Officer 17th Army
1940-11-23 1941-01-17 Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1941-01-17 1941-03-12 Commanding Officer Tank Forces, Leningrad Military District
1941-03-12 1941-07-09 Commanding Officer Tank Forces, Baltic Special Military District
1941-06-28 1942-03-31 Commanding Officer Tank Forces, Northwestern Front
1942-03-31 1942-08-07 Deputy Commander in Chief for Tank Forces, Kalinin Front
1942-08-07 1943-01-27 Commanding Officer XVII Tank Corps
1943-01-27 1946-04-XX Commanding Officer IV Guards Tank Corps
1946-04-27 1946-07-XX Commanding Officer 5th Guards Tank Army
1946-07-XX 1949-03-23 Commanding Officer 5th Guards Mechanised Army
1949-03-23 1953-05-13 First Deputy Commander in Chief of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1953-05-13 1954-01-07 Deputy Commander in Chief of Tank & Mechanised Forces
1954-01-07 1954-05-31 Deputy Commander in Chief Tank Forces
1954-05-31 1968-01-24 Commander in Chief Tank Forces
1968-01-24 1969-05-17 Member of the Military Council, Tank Forces
1969-05-17 1984-09-17 Inspector-Counsellor, Group of Inspector-Generals, Ministry of Defence
Picture source: Courtesy of Auke de Vlieger