The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Achille Porta

Porta, Achille


* 7th of February 1868

† 21st of October 1953


1917-10-21 Colonel-Brigadier (Colonnello Brigadiere)
1918-06-20 Brigadier-General (Brigadiere Generale)
1923-01-25 Brigadier-General
1927-09-22 Major-General
1934-10-11 Lieutenant-General (Seniority from 1936-06-16)


1915-03-15 1916-06-21 Commanding Officer Group Porta
1917-11-09 1917-11-18 Commanding Officer Infantry Brigade "Emilia"
1917-11-18 1918-10-10 Commanding Officer Infantry Brigade "Toscana"
1918-10-12 Commanding Officer 9th Alpine Group
1919-12-18 1920-08-07 General Officer Commanding Italian Expeditionary Corps in Eastern Mediterranean
1920-09-14 1922-09-15 Commanding Officer Infantry Brigade "Marche"
1922-09-15 1927-07-22 Commanding Officer Infantry Brigade "Parma"
1927-07-22 1928-03-01 At disposal
1928-03-01 1931-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Territorial Military Division Cuneo
1931-XX-XX 1932-02-07 General Officer Commanding Territorial Military Division Padova
1932-02-07 1940-02-07 Unemployed
1940-02-07 Retired
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