The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Giuseppe Porta

Porta, Giuseppe


* 4th of April 1876


1918-01-06 Colonel
1932-01-29 Brigadier-General
1936-01-01 Major-General
1939-08-17 Lieutenant-General (Seniority from 1939-01-01)


1915-11-30 1917-05-02 Commanding Officer 4th Battalion, 26th Infantry Regiment
1917-11-10 1918-09-25 Commanding Officer 82nd Infantry Regiment
1919-02-03 Commanding Officer 82nd Infantry Regiment
1919-02-03 1919-09-09 Attached to the Ministry of Defence
1919-09-09 1921-10-29 Convalescing
1921-10-29 1922-10-15 At disposal of the Ministry of War
1922-10-15 1925-03-01 Commanding Officer Campagna Military District
1925-03-01 1926-11-01 Commanding Officer 158th Infantry Regiment "Liguria"
1926-11-01 1926-11-15 Commanding Officer Ascoli Piceno Military District
1926-11-15 Commandant of Reserve Officer's Cadet School
1932-02-01 1935-04-01 Commanding Officer 15th Infantry Brigade "Fiume"
1935-04-01 1935-12-10 General Officer Commanding Cagliari Military Command
1935-04-01 1935-12-10 General Officer Commanding 2nd Infantry Division "Sabauda"
1935-12-10 1937-09-09 General Officer Commanding Trieste Military Zone
1937-09-09 1938-04-04 General Officer Commanding Trieste Territorial Defence Command
1938-04-04 Unemployed
1938-08-01 Unemployed