The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Clemente Primieri

Primieri, Clemente


* 12th of May 1894

† 15th of February 1981


1927-11-27 Lieutenant-Colonel (Seniority from 1927-11-16)
1937-07-27 Colonel (Seniority from 1937-06-30)
1942-04-15 Brigadier-General (Seniority from 1942-01-01)
1948-08-XX Major-General


1926-08-15 1928-11-01 Attached to 1st Mountain Artillery Regiment
1928-11-01 1929-07-15 Attached to the General Staff Corps
1929-07-15 1932-11-03 Attached to Military Division Alessandria
1932-11-03 1934-08-19 Convalescing
1934-08-19 1935-03-15 Attached to Military Division Assietta
1935-03-15 1936-01-15 Deputy Chief of Staff, Bari Corps
1936-01-15 1936-08-20 Chief of Staff, 26th Infantry Division "Assietta" [East Africa]
1936-08-20 1937-07-27 Chief of Staff, Intendancy, East Africa General Heaquarters
1937-07-27 1937-11-05 Attached to the Ministry of Italian Africa
1937-11-05 1940-06-05 Commanding Officer 28th Division Artillery Regiment
1940-06-05 1940-11-10 Chief of Operations Secton, Army Group West [France]
1940-11-10 1941-XX-XX Chief of Staff, 1st Infantry Division "Ravenna"
1941-XX-XX 1942-02-05 Chief of Staff, V Corps
1942-02-05 1942-10-15 Commanding Officer Artillery, XI Corps
1942-10-15 1943-XX-XX Chief of Staff, Slovenia-Dalmatia General Headquarters
1942-10-15 1943-XX-XX Chief of Staff, 2nd Army
1943-08-07 1944-XX-XX General Officer Commanding 44th Infantry Division "Cremona" [Corsica]
1944-XX-XX 1945-XX-XX General Officer Commanding Combat Group "Cremona"
1945-XX-XX 1946-05-03 General Officer Commanding Division "Cremona"
1952-07-10 1954-07-30 General Officer Commanding IV Corps
1954-08-01 1957-05-31 Commander in Chief NATO Forces Southern Europe
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