The Generals of WWII

Generals from Australia Flag for Australia
Portrait of Brigadier Ralph Carlyle Geoffrey Prisk

Prisk, Ralph Carlyle Geoffrey


* 6th of August 1894

† 7th of September 1960


1937-05-12 Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel
1937-07-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-11-02 Colonel


1936-04-16 1937-08-14 Training Abroad [Great Britain]
1937-08-23 1938-08-31 Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General (General Duties), Army Headquarters
1938-09-01 1939-11-01 Assistant Adjutant-General, Army Headquarters
1939-11-02 1940-10-23 Director of Personnel Services, Army Headquarters
1940-10-24 1942-11-29 Deputy Adjutant-General, Army Headquarters
1942-11-20 1944-02-15 Deputy Adjutant & Quartermaster-General, 2nd Australian Army
1944-11-16 1945-XX-XX Chairman of the War Establishment Investigating Committee, Army Headquarters
1947-XX-XX Retired