The Generals of WWII

Generals from Soviet Union Flag for Soviet Union
Portrait of Lieutenant-General of Aviation Stepan Dmitrievich Prutkov

Prutkov, Stepan Dmitrievich

Lieutenant-General of Aviation

* 1st of January 1911

† April 1978

(Степан Дмитриевич Прутков)


1944-02-04 Colonel
1945-04-20 Major-General of Aviation
1955-08-08 Lieutenant-General of Aviation


1942-12-XX 1943-08-XX Commanding Officer 504th Assault Aviation Regiment
1943-08-XX 1943-12-29 Deputy Commanding Officer 1st Guards Assault Aviation Division
1943-12-29 1946-09-XX Commanding Officer 1st Guards Assault Aviation Division
1946-09-XX 1947-12-XX Deputy Head of Lipetsk Officers Flight Tactical Command Advanced Training Course
1947-12-XX 1949-12-XX Attending the Military Academy of the General Staff
1949-12-XX 1951-07-XX At disposal of the 2nd Main Directorate, General Staff
1949-12-XX 1951-07-XX Senior Military Adviser to the North Korean Air Force
1951-07-XX 1953-05-XX Deputy Commander in Chief for Military Schools, Air Force
1951-07-XX 1953-05-XX Head of Flight Combat Training Directorate, Air Force
1953-05-XX 1957-03-XX Head of Military Schools Directorate, Air Force
1957-03-XX 1959-08-XX Commanding Officer Air Forces, Northern Caucasian Military District
1959-08-XX 1964-10-XX Commanding Officer 57th Air Army
1959-08-XX 1964-10-XX Member of the Military Council, Carpathian Military District
1964-10-XX 1971-12-31 Head of the Command Department, Air Force Academy
1971-12-31 Retired
Picture source: Courtesy of Ilya Mukhin