The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Emanuele Pugliese

Pugliese, Emanuele


* 11th of April 1874

† 16th of September 1967


1916-02-16 Lieutenant-Colonel (Seniority from 1915-11-13)
1917-08-31 Major-General (War merits) (Maggiore Generale)
1923-01-25 Major-General
1934-09-27 Lieutenant-General


1915-09-XX 1916-07-XX Commanding Officer 2nd Battalion, 151st Infantry Regiment
1917-04-07 Commanding Officer Regimental Infantry Depot Firenze North-West
1917-04-07 1917-06-17 Commanding Officer 38th Infantry Regiment
1917-06-17 1917-11-21 Commanding Officer Infantry Brigade "Ravenna"
1920-09-16 General Officer Commanding 16th Infantry Division
1924-02-01 General Officer Commanding Territorial Military Division Roma
1924-02-01 1929-09-16 General Officer Commanding Territorial Military Division Triest
1929-06-16 At disposal
1931-12-21 Member of the Supreme Military Tribunal
1931-12-21 1934-10-15 General Officer Commanding Sardinia Military Command
1934-10-15 1935-07-01 At disposal
1935-07-01 Inspector of Verona Military Zone
1937-12-13 General Officer Commanding Verona Territorial Defence Command
1937-12-13 1938-04-11 Attached to the Ministry of War
1938-04-11 1939-01-01 Unemployed
1939-01-01 Retired