The Generals of WWII

Generals from Italy Flag for Italy
Portrait of Lieutenant-General Angelo Pugnani

Pugnani, Angelo


* 23rd of November 1870

† 26th of October 1951


1916-04-29 Lieutenant-Colonel
1917-07-16 Colonel
1927-01-01 Brigadier-General
1930-05-12 Brigadier-General (Automotive Technical Service)
1932-01-01 Major-General (Automotive Technical Service)
1938-02-17 Lieutenant-General (Automotive Technical Service)


1920-06-01 Attached to the Ministry of War
1920-06-01 1921-09-01 On leave
1923-10-01 Attached to the Supreme Automotive Technical Office Torino
1926-07-29 At disposal
1926-07-29 1930-05-12 Inspector of Technical Motorisation
1930-05-12 1936-11-23 Inspector of Motorisation Materials
1939-04-17 1943-08-05 Member of the Commission for the Armed Forces, Senate
1939-04-30 Unemployed Top
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