The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Qin Zhen

Qin Zhen





1947-06-13 Major-General


1938-XX-XX 1939-XX-XX Deputy Commanding Officer 19th New Division, 46th Army
1939-XX-XX Acting Commanding Officer 175th Division, 46th Army
1940-XX-XX Acting Commanding Officer 19th New Division, 46th Army
1947-XX-XX 1948-XX-XX Magistrate of Binyang County, Guangxi
1948-XX-XX 1949-08-XX Magistrate of Huairen County, Guangxi
1949-08-XX 1949-12-05 Deputy Commanding Officer Central Guangxi Military Administration Area
1949-08-XX 1949-12-05 Commanding Officer Liuzhou Garrison Command
1949-12-05 Surrenders to the People's Liberation Army
1950-XX-XX Leaves for Hong Kong