The Generals of WWII

Generals from China Flag for China
Portrait of Major-General  Qiu Zongwu

Qiu Zongwu


* 1899



1933-XX-XX Deputy Commandant Cadet Brigade, Central Military Academy
Acting Commanding Officer Cadet Brigade, Central Military Academy
1940-XX-XX Attending the 4th Special Class, Army College
1940-XX-XX Advisor, Jiangsu Provincial Security Command
Deputy Commanding Officer 4th Guerrilla Advance Column, Jiangsu-Shandong War Area
Chief of Education Section, Cadre Training Class, 11th War Area
1946-XX-XX Retired
1949-XX-XX 1950-04-XX Deputy Commanding Officer Southern District, Hainan Defence Command
1950-04-XX Leaves for Taiwan