The Generals of WWII

Generals from France Flag for France
Portrait of Medical-General Émile-François Quéméner

Quéméner, Émile-François


* 5th of September 1885

† 30th of December 1960


1934-06-25 Medical-Lieutenant-Colonel
1939-03-25 Medical-Colonel
1941-08-20 Medical-General


1938-07-25 1940-11-27 Chief of Medical Service, Tchad
1940-11-27 1940-12-06 In transit
1940-12-06 1941-01-03 On leave
1941-01-03 1942-03-23 Technical Assistant for Colonial Troops to the Director of Medical Services, 19th Military Region
1942-03-23 1943-09-05 Technical Advisor for Colonial Troops to the Commander in Chief Armed Forces, North Africa
1943-09-05 Retired