The Generals of WWII

Generals from Germany Flag for Germany
Portrait of General of Infantry Kurt Röpke

Röpke, Kurt

General of Infantry

* 29th of November 1896

† 12th of July 1966


1938-04-01 Lieutenant-Colonel
1941-04-01 Colonel
1943-08-01 Major-General
1944-02-01 Lieutenant-General
1944-10-15 General of Infantry


1935-08-01 1938-11-03 Attached to the Infantry School
1938-11-03 1939-08-26 Commanding Officer 2nd Battalion, 67th Infantry Regiment
1939-08-26 1939-12-15 Commanding Officer 2nd Battalion, 203rd Infantry Regiment
1939-12-15 1940-01-03 Attached to the Infantry School
1940-01-03 1942-09-30 Commanding Officer 50th Infantry Regiment
1942-09-30 1942-10-01 Unemployed
1942-10-01 1943-03-20 Chief Instructor at the Infantry School
1943-03-20 1943-05-26 Unemployed
1943-05-26 1943-08-20 Acting General Officer Commanding 320th Infantry Division
1943-08-20 1944-07-10 General Officer Commanding 46th Infantry Division
1944-07-10 1944-09-10 Unemployed
1944-09-10 1944-09-12 At disposal of Army Group North
1944-09-12 1944-10-11 Temporary General Officer Commanding XXIX Corps [Eastern Front]
1944-10-11 1944-12-01 Acting General Officer Commanding XXIX Corps [Eastern Front]
1944-12-01 1945-05-08 General Officer Commanding XXIX Corps [Eastern Front]
Picture source: BArch PERS 6/300515